Ganga Soul of Indian Culture

Ganga Soul of Indian Culture

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Patrizia Norelli Bachelet (thea)
VAK Trust

Ganga Soul of Indian Culture - Patrizia Norelli Bachelet (thea)

The author presents photos of Ganga in spate in 2013, and writes that the river’s unmitigated fury was felt in its fullest as she came crashing downward, at Kedernath. If even Shiva could not save himself, what was the message? She sets out to show that Ganga is a living being, her waters from the eternal Mount Kailash, are meant for the entire planet. India has lost her cosmic connection to the great Goddess, Ganga Devi, whose vahana or carrier is Capricorn/Makar. She has lost her body of higher knowledge and the result is that she celebrates her National Holiday, the Makar Sankranti not on the December Solstice, but 23 days late on 15 January.

With the rise of the science of Astronomy, Capricorn became disconnected from the December Solstice; no one seems to notice this ‘conspiracy foisted on India’ – the real meaning of the celebration has become irrelevant. Instead of people of higher knowledge determining dates for temple timings, astronomers are dictating to the Pundits; they are using the wrong zodiac for their festival timings. To find entry to Capricorn, they look out in the stars, light years away, in the constellations; they have lost Earth’s own Divine Measure: the Tropical Zodiac which lies within the Earth’s ecliptic as she makes her annual revolution around the Sun. There is no fourfold Vedic journey out in the Constellations, in the calendar used by the Niriyanis; there is no unity, no one ‘starting point’ to join us together as a family.

Can the nation unify its energies and celebrate the Makar Sankranti as written in the cosmic harmonies, on the true date, the earth’s December Solstice? Yes, when ‘people of higher knowledge’ become involved in this issue of the right calendar for Festival and Temple timings; when the ‘Science of the Sacred’ in Ganga’s myth is once again understood.

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